Broker & Truck Driver Licensing Requirements

Licensing Requirements: A 2009 American Transportation Research Institute study tracking trends in the trucking industry notes that 7.3 million people are employed in the industry. Out of those jobs, 3.4 million were held by long haul CDL certified truck drivers transporting goods either as independent contractors or for transportation companies….

How to Find Loads for a Trucking Business

Find Loads! Truckers who own their own rigs usually have built up a list of clients for whom they haul on a regular basis. When the truck is not running, or when a trucker must drive an empty rig, the driver loses income. Truckers need to develop good sources to…

How to Start a Freight Agent Company

Freight Agent Company Freight brokers match truckers with empty space with manufacturers who need goods transported. A freight broker, also known as a property broker, never takes possession of the goods transported but arranges for its transportation. A licensed freight broker is able to operate his own business or work…

Why Do People Fail as Freight Brokers?

Through the years I have watched numerous People enter this business. Some make it, some fail. The ones that fail would not do the simple and little things that work. On the other hand, the ones that make it are the ones that follow these 7 simple rules day in…

What Is a Prime Broker?

A prime broker is a broker or brokerage firm that offers special services to certain clients. These clients often include hedge funds, stock specialists, and other money managers. What these clients have in common is the need to be able to borrow securities or funds in the daily course of…

Freight Companies

Freight companies are companies that specialize in the moving (or “forwarding”) of freight, or cargo, from one place to another. These companies are divided into several variant sections. For example, international freight forwarders ship goods internationally from country to country, and domestic freight forwarders, ship goods within a single country….

How to Become a Freight Broker Agent

When a company needs cargo transported by truck, a freight broker agent coordinates the process as a third-party intermediary. For companies, otherwise known as shippers, it’s more cost-effective to use a freight broker agent so they don’t have to employ full time staff for the purpose. For trucking companies, they…

Importance of Truck Freighting

Truck Freighting Freight Trucks are very important for shipping. Much of the domestic shipping industry relies upon freight trucks. Freight trucks are almost always needed for shipping of large quantities of goods at more than one point in the journey even if the majority of the trip is via another…

Importance of Freight Factoring for Brokers

Freight factoring is a means for truckers to be paid immediately for the work they have done whether or not the shipper they are working for pays on time. Many trucking companies rely on freight factoring because even in good economic times they cannot afford for their invoices to go…

Freight Broker Course Packages

Broker Course Packages: There are just not enough carriers and owner operator drivers to haul all the cargo to where it needs to be delivered. However there are ALWAYS drivers & carriers looking for backhaul loads or loads to fill the empty space in their trailers. This is where the…

What Does Freight Broker Do?

A Freight Broker can be an individual or company that matches shippers with transportation services in order to transport goods. Freight Brokers are responsible for matching authorized and reliable transportation carriers to the shippers and coordinate all of the shipping needs for many companies. Freight Brokers must be licensed from…

Carrier Directory Database

Search from over 1 Million US Motor Carrier Directory Database. Our carrier directory listings help freight brokers and logistics providers find qualified carriers. Data is available in excel formate and sorted by state for easy access to data. The carrier database also has the motor carrier’s insurance information on file…

Freight Brokers Training Course

The main goal of our freight broker training course to get your freight brokers license is to get you up to speed with the trucking terminology, freight rates, carrier agreements, freight brokers responsibilities and all the ins-an-outs of the logistics industry. This freight brokerage industry is fast paced, and many…

Freight Broker Marketing Tools

Marketing Tools: How do I market my services as a freight broker to new clients and shippers and carriers? The big question is WHERE TO FIND SHIPPERS? Searching for Shippers is among the initial stages of the freight brokering business. However before you beging marketing to them you first need to…

How Carriers Find Freight Brokers

Carriers and Owner Operators usa a variety of ways to search for reliable freight brokers or freight agents when they are looking for loads to fill their empty trailers. Many use load boards to find loads posted by freight brokers. The load load boards help owner operators  find loads, back…