Freight brokers connect shipping companies with carriers, and in order to turn profits freight brokers must do well at negotiating. When you’re starting out, you may encounter shipping companies or carriers who are unwilling to work with you at your desired compensation rates, carriers who end up being less reliable than you initially thought, or shipping companies who feel they have no need for your services. You must position yourself as someone who is qualified, trustworthy and efficient, which may require building a team. Freight brokers typically work with freight agents who assist them in compiling databases and reaching out to clients.
Requirements for Becoming a Freight Broker in Minnesota
Freight brokers in Minnesota are not held to any statewide regulations. However, national regulations require freight brokers to first earn a high school diploma or GED and then obtain a government-issued Broker Authority license.
Completing a training program for freight brokers is recommended, although not required for advancement within the trade. You may also benefit greatly from completing an internship program and working under a seasoned professional. Additionally, you may choose to earn certification to further distinguish yourself from other freight brokers who may be your direct competition.
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