Qualities of a Successful Freight Broker

Honesty and Trustworthiness

Honesty, though sometimes making things harder for the broker, pays off a hundred times in the long run. Making transparency and honesty your standards when communicating with carriers and shippers means you will eventually gain their trust.

Trustworthiness is a direct result of being honest about the conditions of a load or about what is possible and whatnot, without making empty promises or trying to cover something up. Consequently, brokers who do not think of their partners’ interests along with their own, end up losing. 

Resilience and Flexibility

Resilience is necessary in order to brave everyday challenges and the altogether stressed and hectic position of a broker. Freight brokers who are not easily rattled and who keep their cool are also able to develop the necessary flexibility to make quick decisions, shift things around, rearrange loads and try to have as many people happy at the end of the day as possible.

Resilience and flexibility make thriving in the fast-paced transportation and logistics business a goal within reach, as many brokers who are not resilient enough succumb to the chaos that this type of work sometimes turns into. 

Being Self-Motivated and Customer-Oriented

Being self-motivated means that your motivation is not derived entirely from outer conditions and circumstances (e.g. your paycheck), but is an inner drive to do your job well, efficiently and with a desire to be of use to both shippers and carriers. The latter part also includes being customer-oriented. It also means building and investing in long-lasting relationships that will, over time, come to drive in even more business. Source: https://www.bryantsuretybonds.com/

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