Things you must know before enrolling into Freight Broker Training

Things you must know before enrolling into Freight Broker Training

Freight brokers work in the transportation and trucking industries and are often thought of as sales workers. They may work for a transportation company or freight brokerage firm that specializes in selling trucking and transportation services to companies that need to move materials and goods. This is typically an office job, though it can be a fast-paced one with heavy telephone and computer usage. Freight brokers shift gears among organizing transportation for clients’ materials, tracking shipments, and notifying clients of items’ arrival, as well as collecting payment and record-keeping. These workers spend most of their time sitting and have the freedom to determine daily goals. The following table contains the core requirements for becoming a freight broker.

While freight brokering is a pretty simple concept there are many things involved that if you work as an agent you’ll never need to know. If you ask most brokers they’ll tell you they don’t hire people from freight broker schools or consider them as experience.

Everything you need to get started, with a course to fit every budget and goal!

Besides the great features of our courses, you also get our Always Available Customer Service! Best in the Business.

Let us know if you have any questions or need any help picking out the right course for you!

Click here to view our competitor price comparison

Course Packages can be Upgraded at Any time!
Our packages are designed to give flexibility. All packages include the Freight Brokers Training Course, but depending on how much you want to spend and what additional information you may need, you can choose the best package that fits in your budget.

All the above packages NEVER EXPIRE and can be combined with the following products or they can be purchased separately if needed.
Freight Broker Training Manual
18 Pages of Forms and Contracts
Transportation Directory
Licensing Filing Services
1 Year FREE Load Board Membership

Compare our prices with our competitors, you will be AMAZED at the value our broker’s courses save you.

What makes us different from the rest?

  • We are the only training program that gives you the following features!
    • 1 Year FREE membership with a load board to post freight & find carriers.
    • A 350,000 transportation database for lead generation.
    • A training program that has freight broker courses under $900.
    • We have 24/7 customer support.
    • Our courses have brokerage forms and contracts included in their package not sold separately.
    • Our courses have lifetime access, NEVER EXPIRE. Some schools have limits on their course WE DONT.
    • Learn about Bona Fide Agents, Brokers and Freight Forwarders
    • We are the only training program that includes license filing support.

15% OFF  Packages above Basic.

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