Legal Company Name: DBA: ( if they want one ) Business Address: Business Phone number: County: Owner's Name: Company EIN Tax ID number or Owner's Social: Is the Owner a US Citizen? How Many truck/units will they have? What type of units?( Straight Truck, Cargo Van, Passenger Van, Truck Tractor ) How Many CDL Drivers? How many non CDL Drivers? What is the fully loaded weight going to be? ( Truck, Trailer, and cargo combined) What Type of Cargo will they be hauling ( Example, General Freight, Cars, Household Goods etc ) Will they carry Haz Materials? Will they operate both Interstate and Intrastate or just Interstate? Will they operate in Mexico or Canada? Have they ever had an MC or DOT number before or been associated with an application in the past 3 years? If yes, then what was the MC/DOT number? Have they ever held Intrastate Authority before? 74370