Seizing a Freight Broker License

A freight broker, also called a broker authority or freight broker agent, is a domestic transportation expert who is knowledgeable about the logistics of cargo shipment of manufactured and distributed products. A freight broker company arranges for transportation of trade cargo by contracting with for-hire transportation motor carriers. They generally…

Get Off the Hook on Expensive Freight Charges

A freight shipment is a large-scale movement of goods, which can be loose or secured on pallets. Freight charges change frequently, sometimes as often as once or twice per year, often due to higher gas prices. If you are a business that needs to save on shipping charges, there are…

Initiating your own freight company

Perhaps you’ve been working for a trucking company, hauling freight, for some time now. You are getting by, but most of the profits from your hard work are going to the company you work for. You may want to start your own trucking company. It’s a lot of work and…